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“We envision that our community will be a safe and inviting place where all ages and income levels can work well in quality housing; a place with an outstanding educational system that nurtures every child until they achieve their goals in education and life; and a neighborhood where we all work together to build on our strengths to create a diverse, vibrant, and connected community.”

–Northside Quality of Life Agreement

The vision for the GO Neighborhoods program is that neighborhoods are truly Sustainable Communities – good places to live, do business, work and raise families.


The Near Northside was selected as one of two Pilot GO Neighborhoods communities in 2009. Learn about the journey of neighborhood engagement, planning and implementing “early action projects”, and how you can be part of the implementation of Quality of Life projects in the community.   This program is a collaborative and inclusive effort to use the strengths of a community in creating effective partnerships and creative problem solving.



The GO Teams are resident-led groups focused on specific quality of life issues and interests.  Team meetings are open to everyone.  Check out the calendar and come to a meeting soon!

  • GO Culture this team of Northside stakeholders works to preserve and promote the rich culture and history of our neighborhood

  • GO Health is a collaborative effort among healthcare providers to improve access to needed health resources in the Northside

  • GO Safety is comprised of residents, community organizations, and law enforcement working together to reduce crime in our community.

  • #GOYouthNS is a leadership building team for Northside middle and high school students dedicated to growing life skills and bettering the Northside through service.

  • GO Family Income and Wealth is a partnership with Wesley Community Center and the LISC Financial Opportunities Center to help residents improve their credit, search for jobs, and connect to financial literacy resources.

  • GO Parent Engagement & the Family Leadership Institute are parent-focused initiatives aimed at equipping our parents with the leadership skills necessary to help improve our schools and community.

  • Las Mamas del Northside is a social organization of Northside moms supporting one another.

  • The Northside Early Childhood Coalition is a collaboration among childcare providers, educators, residents, and stakeholder organizations to assess the lack of quality affordable early childhood care, education, and services in our community and work to to address these issues.



About Go Neighborhoods
Go Teams

© 2015 Near Northside Houston Texas

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